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Our Policies
Since some policies provide more cover than you might normally expect, we have collated the policies based on the circumstances under which you might wish to purchase cover. Please move your mouse pointer over the items below for a brief summary of the contents of each collection, and click the items for further information.
- Access
- Building
- Chancel
- Construction
- Covenants
- Deposits
- Documents
- Easements
- Environmental
- Gifts
- Insolvency
- Leases
- Planning
- Searches
- Services
- Title
Absence of Easement (AE)
Covers the lack of express rights to use the roads and footpaths which provide access to the property. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Absence of Easement – Encroachment/Overhang (AO)
Covers the buyer if the owner of adjoining land refuses to allow access to carry out essential repairs and maintenance to guttering, fascias and or soffits which overhang or encroach on the neighbouring land. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Adverse Rights (AR)
Covers the exercise by third parties of access rights over the property which are not apparent and have not been exercised during the current owner’s occupation. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Flat / Maisonette (MI)
Covers inability to enforce necessary repairs to parts of the building or to gain entry to protect the property. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Flying Freehold (FF)
Covers the inability to gain access to adjoining premises over or under which the property extends to enforce repairs necessary for the support and protection of the property. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Lack of Crossover Agreement (Dropped Kerb) (CA)
Covers the buyer if the planning authority/highway authority take enforcement action under Section 184 of the Highways Act 1980 to prevent the use of the crossover/dropped kerb. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Build Over - Sewer Indemnity (SI)
The Sewer Indemnity policy provides cover when your property or part of your property has been erected over or within 3 metres of a sewer without a build-over agreement from the appropriate water authority. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Building Regulations (BR)
Covers the enforcement of building regulations relating to the construction, alteration, extension or conversion of the property. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Building Standards (BS)
The Building Standards indemnity policy provides cover for the mortgage lender when there is a lack of evidence that a valid NHBC certificate, or similar warranty, or architect’s certificate was given on completion of a newly-built house or flat over which the mortgage lender intends to take a mortgage. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Lack of Crossover Agreement (Dropped Kerb) (CA)
Covers the buyer if the planning authority/highway authority take enforcement action under Section 184 of the Highways Act 1980 to prevent the use of the crossover/dropped kerb. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Listed Building Consent
Covers the enforcement of listed building regulations relating to internal alteration or extensions to the Property and/or the replacement of windows on a like for like basis. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Planning Permission (PP)
Covers the enforcement of planning regulations relating to the construction, alteration, extension or change of use of the property. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
No Search - Environmental (EP)
Covers the enforcement of contaminated land regulations when an environmental search on the property has not been carried out. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Chancel Liability (SC)
Covers the costs of repair to a chancel when a full search of the Record of Ascertainments has not been carried out. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Building Regulations (BR)
Covers the enforcement of building regulations relating to the construction, alteration, extension or conversion of the property. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Building Standards (BS)
The Building Standards indemnity policy provides cover for the mortgage lender when there is a lack of evidence that a valid NHBC certificate, or similar warranty, or architect’s certificate was given on completion of a newly-built house or flat over which the mortgage lender intends to take a mortgage. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Listed Building Consent
Covers the enforcement of listed building regulations relating to internal alteration or extensions to the Property and/or the replacement of windows on a like for like basis. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Planning Permission (PP)
Covers the enforcement of planning regulations relating to the construction, alteration, extension or change of use of the property. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
No Search - Environmental (EP)
Covers the enforcement of contaminated land regulations when an environmental search on the property has not been carried out. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Absent Landlord (AL)
Covers non-payment of ground rent where the landlord’s identity and whereabouts are unknown and covers unknown breaches of leasehold covenants and inability to comply with pre-conditions to assignment. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Estate Rentcharge (ER)
Covers the lender in the event that estate rent charges are unpaid and the property subsequently burdened by a statutory lease or the rent charge owner successfully re-enters the Property under Section 121 of the Law of Property Act 1925. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Forfeiture of Lease (FL)
Covers the mortgage lender when the landlord of a single private flat or maisonette based within England and Wales exercises, or attempts to exercise, a legal right to forfeit the lease during the term of the mortgage advance granted at the policy’s commencement date. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Lease Enlargement (LE)
Covers a property when the property used for residential and/or commercial purposes based within England and Wales, was leasehold and the lease, full particulars of which are missing, is said by deed to have been enlarged; and... Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Lost Title Deeds (LD)
Covers unknown rights, restrictive covenants and interests affecting the property registered with possessory title. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Missing Particulars (MP)
Covers breaches of unknown restrictive covenants referred to in the title registers of the property as being contained in deeds or documents which have not been supplied to the Land Registry. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Missing Rentcharge Owner (MR)
Covers unknown breaches of restrictive rentcharge covenants when the rentcharge owner is missing. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Restrictive Covenant (RC)
Covers breaches of restrictive covenants, the details of which may be known or unknown, affecting a freehold title. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Superior Lease (SL)
Covers the cost of obtaining relief against re-entry or applying for a vesting order in respect of an underlease due to forfeiture of any superior lease. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Adverse Rights (AR)
Covers the exercise by third parties of access rights over the property which are not apparent and have not been exercised during the current owner’s occupation. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Mineral Rights (MN)
Covers the exercise of mineral rights over the Property which are not apparent and have not been exercised during the current owner’s occupation. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Missing Particulars (MP)
Covers breaches of unknown restrictive covenants referred to in the title registers of the property as being contained in deeds or documents which have not been supplied to the Land Registry. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Absence of Easement (AE)
Covers the lack of express rights to use the roads and footpaths which provide access to the property. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Adverse Rights (AR)
Covers the exercise by third parties of access rights over the property which are not apparent and have not been exercised during the current owner’s occupation. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Flat / Maisonette (MI)
Covers inability to enforce necessary repairs to parts of the building or to gain entry to protect the property. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Flying Freehold (FF)
Covers the inability to gain access to adjoining premises over or under which the property extends to enforce repairs necessary for the support and protection of the property. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Environmental Search - Failed (EF)
Covers the enforcement of contaminated land regulations when the result of an environmental search on the property indicates FAILED or FURTHER ACTION. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Environmental Search - Validation (EV)
Covers the buyer and mortgage lender in the event of enforcement of contaminated land regulations when an environmental search or survey has been carried out within the last 12 months which does not disclose any adverse matters affecting the property or land within 250 metres of the property (e.g. a Passed Certificate). Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
No Search - Environmental (EP)
Covers the enforcement of contaminated land regulations when an environmental search on the property has not been carried out. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Insolvency Act (IA)
Covers mortgage lenders and future owners of the property if the person making the gift is subsequently declared bankrupt and the transfer set aside. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Insolvency Act (IA)
Covers mortgage lenders and future owners of the property if the person making the gift is subsequently declared bankrupt and the transfer set aside. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Absent Landlord (AL)
Covers non-payment of ground rent where the landlord’s identity and whereabouts are unknown and covers unknown breaches of leasehold covenants and inability to comply with pre-conditions to assignment. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Contingent Buildings (CB)
Covers inadequate buildings insurance provisions in residential leasehold flats or maisonettes. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Flat / Maisonette (MI)
Covers inability to enforce necessary repairs to parts of the building or to gain entry to protect the property. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Forfeiture of Lease (FL)
Covers the mortgage lender when the landlord of a single private flat or maisonette based within England and Wales exercises, or attempts to exercise, a legal right to forfeit the lease during the term of the mortgage advance granted at the policy’s commencement date. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Lease Enlargement (LE)
Covers a property when the property used for residential and/or commercial purposes based within England and Wales, was leasehold and the lease, full particulars of which are missing, is said by deed to have been enlarged; and... Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Forfeiture of Lease - Housing Act Repossession (FLH)
Covers the mortgage lender if the freeholder serves a notice under Section 8 of the Housing Act 1988 & then attempts to exercise a legal right to take possession of the Property without the borrower and/or mortgage lender having a right to relief from forfeiture. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Superior Lease (SL)
Covers the cost of obtaining relief against re-entry or applying for a vesting order in respect of an underlease due to forfeiture of any superior lease. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Building Regulations (BR)
Covers the enforcement of building regulations relating to the construction, alteration, extension or conversion of the property. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Lack of Crossover Agreement (Dropped Kerb) (CA)
Covers the buyer if the planning authority/highway authority take enforcement action under Section 184 of the Highways Act 1980 to prevent the use of the crossover/dropped kerb. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Listed Building Consent
Covers the enforcement of listed building regulations relating to internal alteration or extensions to the Property and/or the replacement of windows on a like for like basis. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Planning Permission (PP)
Covers the enforcement of planning regulations relating to the construction, alteration, extension or change of use of the property. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Chancel Liability (SC)
Covers the costs of repair to a chancel when a full search of the Record of Ascertainments has not been carried out. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Searches: Combined (AS)
Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Environmental Search - Failed (EF)
Covers the enforcement of contaminated land regulations when the result of an environmental search on the property indicates FAILED or FURTHER ACTION. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Environmental Search - Validation (EV)
Covers the buyer and mortgage lender in the event of enforcement of contaminated land regulations when an environmental search or survey has been carried out within the last 12 months which does not disclose any adverse matters affecting the property or land within 250 metres of the property (e.g. a Passed Certificate). Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
No Search - Environmental (EP)
Covers the enforcement of contaminated land regulations when an environmental search on the property has not been carried out. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
No Search - Mortgagee (SM)
Covers the mortgage-lender when a local, drainage or mining search would disclose adverse entries if those searches were carried out on completion. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
No Search - Purchase (SP)
Covers the buyer and the mortgage-lender when a local, drainage or mining search would disclose adverse entries if those searches were carried out on completion. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Search Delay (SD)
Covers the buyer and the mortgage-lender when a local, drainage or mining search has been applied for but not received, and would disclose adverse entries if those searches were carried out at exchange of contracts. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Search Validation (SV)
Covers the buyer and the mortgage-lender when a local, drainage or mining search would disclose different adverse entries to those disclosed by recent existing searches if those searches were repeated on completion. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Absence of Easement (AE)
Covers the lack of express rights to use the roads and footpaths which provide access to the property. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Adverse Rights (AR)
Covers the exercise by third parties of access rights over the property which are not apparent and have not been exercised during the current owner’s occupation. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Flat / Maisonette (MI)
Covers inability to enforce necessary repairs to parts of the building or to gain entry to protect the property. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Flying Freehold (FF)
Covers the inability to gain access to adjoining premises over or under which the property extends to enforce repairs necessary for the support and protection of the property. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Adverse Possession of Part (AP)
Covers claims in relation to ownership, unknown adverse rights and unknown restrictive covenants in relation to areas of enclosed garden land held by adverse possession. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Estate Rent Charge - Lender Only (EO)
Covers the lender in the event that estate rent charges are unpaid and the property subsequently burdened by a statutory lease or the rent charge owner successfully re-enters the Property under Section 121 of the Law of Property Act 1925. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Good Leasehold (GL)
Covers unknown rights, restrictive covenants and interests affecting the property with good leasehold title. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Lease Enlargement (LE)
Covers a property when the property used for residential and/or commercial purposes based within England and Wales, was leasehold and the lease, full particulars of which are missing, is said by deed to have been enlarged. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Lost Title Deeds (LD)
Covers unknown rights, restrictive covenants and interests affecting the property registered with possessory title. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Mineral Rights (MR)
Covers the exercise of mineral rights over the Property which are not apparent and have not been exercised during the current owner’s occupation. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Missing Particulars (MP)
Covers breaches of unknown restrictive covenants referred to in the title registers of the property as being contained in deeds or documents which have not been supplied to the Land Registry. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Missing Rentcharge Owner (MR)
Covers unknown breaches of restrictive rentcharge covenants when the rentcharge owner is missing. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.
Registered Possessory Title (PT)
Covers unknown rights, restrictive covenants and interests affecting part of the property registered with possessory title only. Get a QuickQuote for this policy.